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Africa Capacity Indicators Report 2012 (ACIR 2012)
01 August 2012, AfriCAN Climate URL:
To sustain the high economic growth momentum and ensure that growth generates jobs and poverty reduction, Africa needs to continue to develop capacity, including capabilities to further transform its economies and that means transforming agriculture. To effectively use aid and to guarantee food security, Africa needs capacity to negotiate aid, secure fair trade deals,and manage uncertainties.
To achieve the MDGs Africa needs to focus on its capacity to get things done, to implement programs to meet stated objectives, and to harness the capacity of its vast domestic resources to effectively leverage and allocate to the right priorities the sources of funds it has for development. This second Africa Capacity Indicators Report (ACIR2012) discusses capacity for agricultural transformation and food security. The first report, published in 2011, dealt with fragile states.
The methodology used for the ACIR in 2012 maintains the three levels of core capacity that were measured in 2011 in addition to the specific measures along the theme of the report fragile states in 2011 and transforming agriculture and food security in 2012. The three levels of core capacity measured are: i) the enabling environment; (ii) the organizational level; and (iii) the individual leve