
Fifth European Geosciences Union (EGU) Alexander Von Humboldt International Conference on African Climate Change

2009-01-11 - 2009-01-16
Western Cape, South Africa
Focus"Iphakade" is isiXhosa (a South African indigenous language) for "observe the present and consider the past to ponder the future". We consider this a particularly apt word to describe the intent of this 5th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference which is to consider climate change in an Earth Systems context with a particular focus on Africa.

Climate Investment Funds committee meetings

2009-01-27 - 2009-01-30
The World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC, United States of America.
Contact: Climate Investment Funds Team e-mail:
FocusThe Trust Fund Committees for the World Bank�s Climate Investment Funds (CIF) are integrated by donors and potential recipient countries, and will oversee the implementation of funding programmes under the CIF initiative. Meetings will take place during the month of January of the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) Trust Fund Committee (27 January), the Sub-Committee to oversee the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (PPCR) (27-28 January) and the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Trust Fund Committee (29-30 January).

World Economic Forum annual meeting 2009

2009-01-28 - 2009-02-01
Davos, Switzerland
Contact: World Economic Forum tel: +41-22-869-1212 fax: +41-22-786-2744 e-mail:
FocusThis meeting will focus on managing the current economic crisis and shaping the entire post-crisis agenda, from economic reform to climate change

Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2009

2009-02-04 - 2009-01-07
New Delhi, India
Contact: Mangala Dubey Tewari tel: +91-011-2468-2100 (Ext. 2545) e-mail:
FocusThis meeting will focus on finding equitable and ethical approaches to arrive at a global consensus on climate change beyond 2012.

Third International Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA)

2009-02-22 - 2009-02-26
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: Dr. Saleemul Huq, International Institute for Environment and Development tel: +44-20-7388 2117 fax: +44-20-7388 2826 e-mail:
FocusThis meeting is being jointly organised by IIED, CLACC and the RING. It will include a two-day field visit to a CBA site. Participation will be limited to 100 participants. The report from the second CBA Workshop, which met in 2007, is available at There is also a short video available at

Agriculture and Climate Change: An Agenda for Negotiation in Copenhagen

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

FocusThe first in a series of briefs prepared to support the goal of putting agriculture on the agenda of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Goal: Put agriculture on the agenda of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in Copenhagen.

If fundamental climate change mitigation and adaptation goals are to be met, international climate negotiations must include agriculture. Agriculture and climate change are linked in important ways, and this brief focuses on three: (1) climate change will have large effects on agriculture, but precisely where and how much are uncertain, (2) agriculture can help mitigate climate change, and (3) poor farmers will need help adapting to climate change. As negotiations get underway in advance of the meeting of the 15th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen in December 2009, this brief suggests negotiating outcomes for both mitigation and adaptation funding that will support climate change goals while enhancing the well-being of people who manage and depend on agriculture, especially in the developing world.

Climate change will affect agriculture, but it is uncertain where and how much

Climate change will have dramatic consequences for agriculture. Water sources will become more variable, droughts and floods will stress agricultural systems, some coastal food-producing areas will be inundated by the seas, and food production will fall in some places in the interior. Developing economies and the poorest of the poor likely will be hardest hit. Overall, however, substantial uncertainty remains about where the effects will be greatest.

Agricultural outcomes are determined by complex interactions among people, policies, and nature. Crops and animals are affected by changes in temperature and precipitation, but they are also influenced by human investments such as irrigation systems, transportation infrastructure, and animal shelters. Given the uncertainties about where climate change will take place and how farmers will respond, much is still unknown about the effects of climate change on agricultural production, consumption, and human well-being, making it difficult to move forward on policies to combat the effects of climate change.

South Africa: National Climate Change Summit

2009-03-03 - 2009-03-06
Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Gauteng
Contact: Judith van der Merwe (DEAT) Cell: 083 321 2617 Tel: 012 310 3309 E-mail: / Zama Mthethwa (DST) Cell: 082 808 3956 Tel: 012 843 6781 E-mail:
FocusThe Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) and the Science and Technology (DST) will host a National Climate Change Summit from 3 to 6 March 2009 at Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Gauteng.

The summit will formally launch abinet's climate change policy decisions and directives into fiscal, regulatory and legislative packages as well as sectoral implementation plans.

Involving the key government departments, industry, labour, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other relevant stakeholders, the summit will provide all key climate change response stakeholders with an update on the most recent research and other current SA initiatives.

It will also provide a platform for all key climate change response stakeholders to discuss and agree on the framework for a National Climate Change Response Policy. Media is invited to the summit.

For more information and to register, visit

Please note that press identification and identity documents will be required for registration purposes.

International Scientific Congress on Climate Change: Global risks, challenges and decisions

2009-03-10 - 2009-03-12
Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: Torben Mandrup Timmermann tel: +4535324106 e-mail:
FocusThis Congress will include a session on �Adapting Coastal Zone and Marine Recourses to Climate Change.� The Congress is organized by the University of Copenhagen in cooperation with the partners in the International Alliance of Research Universities.

It is part of the run-up to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2009, and as such its main aim is to provide a synthesis of existing and emerging scientific knowledge necessary in order to make decisions concerning the application of mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to climate change.

Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) 5 and Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex 1 Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) 7

2009-03-30 - 2009-04-08
Bonn, Germany
Contact: UNFCCC Secretariat tel: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 e-mail:
FocusThe fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) and the seventh session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex 1 Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) are scheduled to take place from 30 March � 8 April 2009, in Bonn, Germany.

Second meeting of the Conservation on Biological Diversity (CBD) Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Biodiversity and Climate Change

2009-03-30 - 2009-04-03
Helsinki, Finland
Contact: CBD Secretariat
FocusThe second meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change is organised by the CBD Secretariat.

Dialogue on Climate Change Adaptation for Land and Water Management

2009-04-16 - 2009-04-17
FocusThe Dialogue on Climate Change Adaptation for Land and Water management will be held from 16-17 April 2009, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Denmark�s Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla T�rn�s, launched the Dialogue Process at the opening conference in Copenhagen on 13 November 2008, recognizing the need for countries to adapt to the changes in climate, especially developing countries. Two regional workshops have occurred since the meeting in Copenhagen, the first in Hanoi, Viet Nam from 19-21 January 2009, and the second in Bamako, Mali from 24-25 February 2009.

The Dialogue in Nairobi will address a number of issues, including the need to: tackle existing problems in land and water management to build resilience to climate change; strengthen institutions for land and water management; improve global climate impact models; and increase financing targeted towards the most vulnerable people.

Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change

2009-04-20 - 2009-04-24
Anchorage, Alaska, US
Contact: Inuit Circumpolar Council tel: +1-907-274-9058 fax: +1-907-274-3861 e-mail:

FocusThe aims of the conference include bringing indigenous peoples together to talk about common issues and raising the visibility and participation of indigenous peoples in local, national and international processes.

Thirtieth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

2009-04-21 - 2009-04-23
Antalya, Turkey
Contact: IPCC Secretariat tel: +41-22-730-8208 fax: +41-22-730-8025 e-mail:
FocusThe 39th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Bureau will convene in Antalya, Turkey, on 20 April 2009, the day before the 30th session of the IPCC opens.

FANRPAN to Participate at the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) 3rd Implementation Cycle: Policy Session

2009-05-04 - 2009-05-15
New York
FocusFANRPAN CEO, Dr Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is in New York, to participate in the 3rd Implementation Cycle: Policy Session of the Seventeenth Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-17) as a representative of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Dr. Sibanda�s participation follows her attendance at the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM) of the CSD 17 and the High-Level Meeting on African Agriculture held in Windhoek, in February 2009. As the Policy Session of the third implementation cycle, CSD-17 will continue to focus on the following thematic issues...

17th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (Side-Event)

FocusThe Challenge
  • Climate change will worsen the living conditions of farmers, fishers and forest-dependent people who are already vulnerable and food insecure.
  • Hunger and malnutrition will increase.
  • Rural communities ... face an immediate and ever-growing risk of increased crop failure (and) loss of livestock ...
  • Poor people will be at risk of food insecurity ...

FANRPAN to Participate at the SADC Climate Change Meeting

2009-05-12 - 2009-05-15
Gaborone, Botswana
FocusFANRPAN has been invited to participate at the SADC technical climate change meeting which will discuss "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and the Implementation Strategy for the Protocol on Forestry" and other related proposed climate change mechanisms. The meeting is scheduled to take place from the 12th-14th of May 2009 in Gaborone, Botswana.

C40 Large Cities Climate Summit - Seoul 2009

2009-05-18 - 2009-05-21
Seoul, Korea
FocusThe C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group was established in 2005 by London�s then mayor Ken Livingstone and comprises the world's largest cities committed to taking action on climate change. C40 previously met in London 2005, New York 2007, and will meet in Seoul in 2009 for its third Summit.

The theme of the Seoul Summit is �Cities� Achievements and Challenges in the Fight against Climate Change�. The Summit is expected to attract the mayors from the C40 Group to share their policies and experiences on this issue through plenaries and sessions.

G8 Energy Ministers Meeting 2009

2009-05-24 - 2009-05-25
FocusWhat is the G8 Energy Ministers Meeting?

The theme of the G8 Energy Ministers Meeting is "Beyond the crisis: towards a new world order for energy." The Meeting, which will be preceded by the Energy Business Forum, will see the participation of Ministers from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States - and the European Commission. Also participating will be Ministers from emerging economies including China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Saudia Arabia and Egypt and Ministers from countries of the Pacific region and Africa.

The problems that the Italian presidency would like to address are the promotion of investment for energy security and sustainable development, energy strategies to combat global climate change and action to fight energy poverty, with a particular focus on Africa.

Special session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) on climate change

2009-05-25 - 2009-05-29
FocusThe twelfth session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), held in Johannesburg in June 2008 focused its attention on climate change. A ministerial policy dialogue underscored the importance of the decision and outcomes of the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, in December 2007, in particular the agreement on the Bali Action Plan, which set 2009 as the end date for negotiations on strengthening the climate regime beyond 2012. Representatives also noted that Africa had a shared vision on adaptation and mitigation, using sustainable development policies and measures approach, supported and enabled by finance, technology and capacity-building. It was agreed that Africa must speak with one voice in advancing the continent�s interests in negotiations for the climate regime beyond 2012.

Thirtieth Sessions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Bodies

2009-06-01 - 2009-06-12
Bonn, Germany
Contact: UNFCCC Secretariat tel: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 e-mail:
FocusThe 30th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) � the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) � are scheduled to take place from 1-12 June 2009, in Bonn, Germany.

Third African Ministerial Conference on Financing for Development: climate change - an additional challenge for meeting the MDGs

2009-06-12 - 2009-06-13
Kigali, Rwanda
FocusExpected Outcomes:
  • Arriving at a strengthened African voice on Climate Change issues in future international negotiations and G8 discussions;
  • Sensitizing African governments about Climate Change risks, urgency of mainstreaming adaptation into national policies and planning and exploiting new financing instruments and mechanisms;
  • Sharing best practices and success stories on climate Change issues.

Agribusiness and Climate Change Conference

2009-06-17 - 2009-06-18
Erinvale Hotel, Somerset West
FocusClimate change is a reality, affecting us all on multiple levels. The more serious effects of climate change will only become apparent two or three generations from now ... which places on us a responsibility to future generations to safeguard the planet.

Twenty-ninth open-ended working group of the parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG-29)

2009-07-20 - 2009-07-24
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Contact: Ozone Secretariat tel: +254-20-762-3850/1 fax: +254-20-762-4691 e-mail:
FocusThis meeting is scheduled to take place from 20-24 July 2009, in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.

World Climate Conference 3

2009-08-31 - 2009-09-04
Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Buruhani Nyenzi, WCC-3 Secretariat, WMO tel: +41-22-730-8273 fax: +41-22-730-8042 e-mail:
FocusThe First and Second World Climate Conferences, held in 1979 and 1990 respectively, resulted in major movement on climate change issues.

The third conference will take as its theme �Better climate information for a better future,� and will focus on how humankind can benefit from the advances in climate prediction and knowledge. It will also serve as input to COP 15.

2009 Watson International Scholars of the Environment

2009-09-01 - 2009-12-18
FocusOpportunity for African Environmental Leaders to Examine Land-Use History, Science, and Policy

The Watson International Scholars of the Environment program brings mid-career environmental leaders from universities, governments, and nongovernmental organizations throughout Africa to Brown University for advanced training in land-change history, sciences, and policies, providing them with the context to enhance the sustainable development capacity in their countries. The opportunity offers an intensive program in sustainable land-use studies to provide mastery of critical concepts, relevant tools, and transferable processes necessary for managing land and ecosystems. Supported by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation and endorsed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the program offers scholars time away from their daily responsibilities to learn new skills with a community of scholars applying both theoretical and practice approaches to real world environmental issues.

Full time for three and a half months, participants are involved in courses, workshops, field trips, symposia, mentorship, professional networking, and research projects. The Watson International Scholars of the Environment are active participants, not passive students. All participants will take part in a foundational seminar on African environmental history. Module units focus on land-use science and policy. Drawing on the resources of Brown University, participants will prepare a study on land-use change and policy responses. Participants will integrate data from across disciplines and discuss how their research can inform sound decision-making.

Investment in these leaders is strategic: participants are men and women capable of creating lasting and immediately favorable impacts on the sustainable development of their home institutions, eco-regions, and nations. Accordingly, participants are expected to be at a mid-point within their careers in environmental management, science, and policy fields. The program seeks individuals who want to forge new linkages among ideas and issues, to develop networks among leaders facing similar land-use issues, and to explore alliances with relevant colleagues and institutions for improved personal and institutional effectiveness.

Brown's high-quality facilities are fully available to the Watson Scholars, including a 3-million-volume library, comfortable offices, and computing in the Watson Institute for International Studies, and state-of-the-art environmental laboratories and classrooms. This strategically designed curriculum and its eminent institutional setting provide the Watson International Scholars of the Environment with essential tools for enhancing sustainable development capacity in their countries.

At the completion of the program, each graduate receives certification from the United Nations Environment Programme; Brown University is one of only three institutions worldwide approved by UNEP to offer such postgraduate semesters.

Africa Partnership Forum

2009-09-03 - 2009-09-03
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
FocusCore Objectives: To build a coalition around Africa�s key concerns and expectations on climate change in order to ensure that these are adequately addressed in a new climate change agreement expected to be reached at the Fifteenth Conference of Parties (COP-15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 7 to 18 December 2009.

Declaration of The Second Pan-African Parliamentary Network on Climate Change Summit

2009-10-12 - 2009-10-15
Nairobi, Kenya
FocusWe, members of the Pan-African Parliamentarians' Network on Climate Change (PAPNCC) having met in Nairobi, Kenya, for the Second African Parliamentarians Summit on Climate Change, from 12 to 15 October 2009 under the theme "Climate Change: One Africa, One Voice, One Position"

Technical Session of African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) Pre-COP 15

2009-10-19 - 2009-10-23
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
FocusAbout 150 African lead negotiators and high level experts on climate change from all African countries gather for their Second Technical Meeting in Addis Ababa to map out the region's climate platform, barely 44 days before the crucial negotiations in Copenhagen.

UNEP FI 2009 Global Roundtable

2009-10-22 - 2009-10-23
Cape Town, South Africa
FocusThe UNEP FI Global Roundtable has set the global agenda for sustainable finance over the years. As it travels across continents, this biennial event attracts hundreds of professionals from the global financial sector and its many stakeholders in the public and private domains, including governments, civil society and academia. In 2009, UNEP FI is proud to hold its first-ever Global Roundtable in the African continent, which takes place in Cape Town, South Africa from 22 to 23 October. It is the highlight event of Cape Town Green Week and officially launches the global Consider Us campaign.

Fifteenth Conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and fifth meeting of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol

2009-12-07 - 2009-12-18
Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: UNFCCC Secretariat tel: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 e-mail:
FocusUNFCCC COP 15 and Kyoto Protocol COP/MOP 5 are scheduled to take place from 7 to 18 December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. These meetings will coincide with the 31st meetings of the UNFCCC�s subsidiary bodies.

Under the �roadmap� agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali in December 2007, COP 15 and COP/MOP 5 are expected to finalize an agreement on a framework for combating climate change post-2012 (when the Kyoto Protocol�s first commitment period ends).

UN Climate Change Conference

2011-11-28 - 2011-12-09
Durban, South Africa
FocusThe United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011, will bring together representatives of the world's governments, international organizations and civil society. The discussions will seek to advance, in a balanced fashion, the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the Bali Action Plan, agreed at COP 13 in 2007, and the Cancun Agreements, reached at COP 16 last December.

COP17 Side event: Round Table and Exhibition on Young Scientists and Youth Initiatives on Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

2011-11-29 - 2011-11-30
Durban, South Africa
FocusThe Indigenous Knowledge Centre at the North-West University (South Africa) in cooperation with the NRF/DST Chair on African Traditional Medicines (University of KwaZulu-Natal), the National IKS Office (Department of Science and Technology, South Africa), and The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Agency, will be organizing round table discussions and Exhibition during COP 17 UN Conference in Durban (29-30 November 2011) on the Role of Indigenous Knowledge, Young Scientists and Youth on Climate Change in Durban. The venue will be at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard Campus). The focus will be on indigenous knowledge strategies on food security and health in climate change for vulnerable groups. The round table discussions are a continuation of the International Student Conference on Climate Change and IKS (CCIKS2011) which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa (29-31 August, 2011).

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COP17 Side event: Successful Approaches by the Sector Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to Increase Climate Resilience in South Africa

Durban, South Africa
FocusTopics to be addressed are: The atlas of climate change and the South African agricultural sector: A 2010 perspective; Development of a GHG emission database for the agricultural sector of South Africa; Land degradation assessment of dryland areas in South Africa and sustainable land management practices; Integrating rural communities into sustainable utilization and management of natural resources: A case study in the Eastern Cape Province on the rehabilitation of coastal forest; 100 years of forestry and sustainable forest management in South Africa; Nguni cattle as future breed to meet global warming challenges; and Area-wide IPM using the sterile insect technique: A precision tool promoting climate smart agriculture;

COP17 Side event: Sustainable production systems

Durban, South Africa
FocusTopics to be addressed are: CA in South Africa: Current perspective and action research, learning and education with farmers expediting adaptation to climate change; Conservation agriculture: A pro-active strategy to mitigate global warming and climate change in cropland agriculture; Water harvesting technology; Farmers� experiences in adoption of CA and derived benefits that serve as mitigation and adaptation practices; CA and LandCare mainstreaming approaches by the national and provincial sphere in advancing climate smart conservation agriculture; Climate smart organic farming and food and water security; and Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: Applications to rangeland-based production systems in South Africa;

COP17 Side event: Climate change-Influenced Impacts on Fish and fisheries Livelihoods

Durban, South Africa

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